END of Hardware Appliances ! Requiring resource intensive appliance management and continual license maintenance.
Distributed Next Generation Firewalls require a hardware appliance at each location, with its own set of rules. Customers carry the ongoing costs and need to patch sprawling appliances software or upgrade dated and under-powered hardware.
Why CATO? Say Goodbye to “THE BOX”. Next Generation Firewall delivered as a cloud service simplifies management.
Cloud-based Next Generation Firewall eliminates the appliance lifecycle management. Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) is a new and revolutionary way of delivering firewall and other network security capabilities as a cloud service.
Cato Networks reduces MPLS costs, eliminates distributed appliances, provides secure internet access, and globally extends the WAN to mobile users and cloud datacenters.
It does not merely hide physical firewall appliances behind a “cloud duct tape”, but truly eliminates the appliance form factor, making firewall services available everywhere.
The Cato Cloud aggregates all enterprise traffic across data centers, branches, mobile users, and cloud infrastructure into a cloud network with built-in Next Generation Firewall . Cato enforces application-aware corporate security policy for WAN- and Internet-bound traffic.